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Do You Want to Be a Big Fish in a Small Pond
- or -
a Small Fish in a Big Pond?


Let’s Navigate the College Admissions Process Together

Choosing a college is one of the toughest decisions a student will ever have to make… and now, it has become even more difficult.

With the impact of the Coronavirus across the world, and the dramatic demographic shifts within our country, more families are seeking assistance from an independent educational consultant (IEC) to help navigate the college admissions process.

Our students are stressed out. Thinking about college without knowing what it takes to get there creates more anxiety. They are inundated with taking AP classes, seeking out extracurricular activities and studying for exams. The more anxious and stressed out your student is, the more it affects his/her/their mental health and yours. “You’re only as happy as your least happy child.”

Some students are reluctant to talk about college at all during the years leading up to senior year. Others tell their parents they will only discuss college one day a week or maybe even one hour a week.

Working with Denise will alleviate that daily stress.

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Big Fish On Campus College Consulting

Colleges are becoming increasingly selective when it comes to admission rates.

Ivy League acceptance rates are at an all-time low. For the Class of 2024, Harvard and Columbia admitted just 4% of applicants, while Brown and Dartmouth's acceptance rate was 5%.

What else contributed to these significant record changes? With the pandemic creating testing opportunity challenges for students, many colleges, including the Ivies, allowed students to apply with the option to submit standardized test scores. While “test-optional” is not a new concept, colleges are grappling with the idea of test-optional permanently or reversing course back to a rigid test protocol. Admissions counselors are tasked with now reviewing a student’s application holistically, by applying more weight to the other pieces of the application, such as the Common App essay, supplemental essays and extracurricular activities.

Big Fish On Campus College Consulting

Colleges have also become increasingly expensive for tuition, fees and room and board.

According to College Board, the average cost for a 4 yr. in state public university increased by 1% to $22,180 vs. 2% to 50,570 for a 4 yr. private university. The investment that you make in your student’s future is a large financial obligation similar to the purchase of a new home. Did you know that the average high school student receives 38 minutes of college advising from their guidance department? Having launched her own kids, Denise has the flexibility to meet in person or virtually with your student without significant conflicts. Meetings are scheduled at mutually available times including after-school hours, in the evenings, or during the weekends.

Big Fish On Campus College Consulting

What would you like to study?

Some students know exactly what they want to major in at college and others will go in undecided. Either way is fine; however, many colleges provide opportunities to apply directly into a major or school. Some examples of these are the schools of business, engineering, performing arts, nursing and science. Other factors to consider: Do you want to study at a liberal arts college? These schools prepare you for graduate school and pre-professional schools, as well as launching directly into employment.  

Big Fish On Campus College Consulting

What type of college environment are you looking for? What size campus is best and where?

Using a personalized and guided approach, Denise will take you through a process of self-discovery to help answer all these questions! 

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These will likely be the last years with your student living at home. You want to spend them celebrating achievements together, not counting the days until he/she/they leave for college.

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My family loved working with Denise.  She assisted us in finding the right schools for my son to apply to and then helped him get into this first choice.  Denise was always available and assisted in all aspects of the application process.  We considered her a part of our family and truly believe she was as excited as we were when our son Matthew got into Wake Forest. I would strongly recommend Big Fish on Campus and Denise for any family looking for someone to help during the college selection/application process
— Barry P.
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